郭育瑄 助理教授
2、FOX SPORTS福斯體育台韻律體操技術講評
1. 郭育瑄、張博勛、紀凱程、鄭景峰(2019)。高強度循環訓練對健康男性有氧適能和肌肉表現之影響。大專體育學刊,21(1),72-83。(TSSCI)。
2. 郭育瑄、徐煒杰、鄭景峰(2018)。靜態伸展對韻律體操選手下肢勁度和跳躍表現之立即影響。運動生理暨體能學報,26,23-31。
3. 李佳倫、 郭育瑄、黃馨葦、鄭景峰(2015)。老年人三分鐘登階測驗的信度與效度。運動生理暨體能學報,20,33-45。
4. 郭育瑄、黃馨葦、鄭國輝、鄭景峰(2012)。振動式伸展對間歇性高強度衝刺表現之立即影響。運動教練科學,27,1-15。
5. 鄭國輝、黃馨葦、陳品卉、郭育瑄、鄭景峰(2011)。不同泳姿動態恢復對隨後自由式游泳表現和生理恢復之影響。運動教練科學,23,109-120。
1. Lee, C. L., Kuo, Y. H., &Cheng, C. F.(2018). Acute high-intensity interval cycling improves postprandial lipid metabolism. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.50(8), 1687-1696. (SCI Journal in Sport Sciences category) [Impact Factor: 4.291 in 2017 Ranking: 7/81 (8.64%)]
2. Kuo, Y. H.,Cheng, C. F., Hsu, W. C., &Del. W. (2017). Validity and reliability of a three-minute all-out running test to measure the critical velocity. Research in Sports Medicine.25(4), 470-479. (SCI Journal in Sport Sciences category) [Impact Factor: 1.871 in 2017 Ranking: 40/81 (49.38%)]
3. Cheng, C. F., Hsu, W. C., Kuo, Y. H., Shih, M. C., Lee, C. L. (2016). Caffeine ingestion improves power output decrement during 3-min all-out exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 116(9), 1693-1702.(SCI Journal in Sport Sciences category) [Impact Factor: 2.401 in 2017 Ranking: 28/81 (34.57%)]
4. Lee, C. L., Cheng, C. F., Lee, C. J., Kuo, Y. H., & Chang, W. D. (2014). Co-ingestion of caffeine and carbohydrate after meal does not improve performance at high-intensity intermittent sprints with short recovery times. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(7), 1533-1543. (SCI Journal in Sport Sciences category) [Impact Factor: 2.401 in 2017 Ranking: 28/81 (34.57%)]
5. Cheng, C. F., Cheng, K. H., Lee, Y. M., Huang, H. W., Kuo, Y. H., Lee, H. J. (2012). Improvement in running economy after 8 weeks of whole-body vibration training. Journal of Strength and ConditioningResearch,26(12), 3349-3357. (SCI Journal in Sport Sciences category) [Impact Factor: 2.325 in 2017 Ranking: 29/81 (35.80%)].
6. Cheng, C. F., Hsu, W. C., Kuo, Y. H ., Chen, T. W., & Kuo, Y. C. (2020). Acute effect of inspiratory resistive loading on sprint interval exercise
performance in team-sport athletes. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 282, 103531.
7. Kuo, Y. H. , Cheng, C. F., & Kuo, Y. C. (2021). Determining validity of critical power estimated using a three-minute all-out test in hot
environments.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17),9193.
1. Kuo, Y. H., Cheng, C. F., Kuo, Y. C., Lin, Y. S., & Ting, S. F.(2019). Determination of validity for critical power of three-minute all-out test in hot environment.2019NSCA Annual National Conference, Washington, D. C., LA.
2. Ting, S. F.,Lin, Y. S., Kuo, Y. H., &Cheng, C. F. (2018 Aug). Effects of different rest duration after ischemic preconditioning on aerobic training: Pilot study. 2018Annual Conference for the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF).
3. Cheng, C. F., Hsu, W. C., Pan, C. H.,Kuo, Y. H.,Lin, Y. S., & Ting, S. F.(2018 July). Effects of local and remote ischemic preconditioning on critical power and muscular oxygenation during 3-min all-out exercise. E-Poster session presented at 23ndAnnual Congress of the European College of Sport Science,Dublin,Ireland.
4. Lee C. L.,Cheng, C. F., & Kuo, Y. H.(2017 July).Acute high-intensity interval exercise enhances fat oxidation and attenuates postprandial insulin concentration in healthy men.Poster session presented at 22ndAnnual Congress of the European College of Sport Science,MetropolisRuhr, Germany.
5. Kuo, Y. H., Hsu, W. C., Pan, C. H., Lai, Y. F., Lin, P. Y., & Cheng, C. F. (2016 July).Effects of inspiratory muscle training on slow component O2 uptake and performance during 3 minutes all-out exercise.Podium session presented at NSCA 39th Annual National Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, LA.
6. Cheng, C. F., Hsu, W. C.,Kuo, Y. H.,& Kuo, Y. C. (2016, July). Effects of beta-alanine supplementation on 3-min all-out rowing performance in adolescent rowers.Poster session presented at 2016Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF).
7. Cheng, C. F.,Kuo, Y. H., Hsu, W. C., Lin, P. Y., Pan, C. H., & Lai, Y. F. (2015, July). Effect of inspiratory muscle training on pulmonary function, oxygen uptake kinetics, and exercise tolerance in athletes.Poster session presented at NSCA 38th Annual National Conference & Exhibition, Orlando, FL.
8. Cheng, C. F., Hsu, W. C., Kuo, Y. H., Lin, P. Y., & Lee C. L. (2014, July). Effect of high-intensity interval training on 3-min all-out rowing exercise and performance in trained.Mini-oral session presented at 19thAnnual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, Nederland.
9. Hsu, W. C., Kuo, Y. H., & Cheng, C. F. (2014, July). Effect of high-intensity interval training on performance and neural adaptations during a 2000-m race stimulation in rowers.Mini-oral session presented at 19thAnnual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, Nederland.
10. Kuo, Y. H., Hsu, W. C., Chen, P. Y., & Cheng, C. F. (2013, July). Test-retest reliability of 3-min all-out test for running.Mini-oral session presented at 18thAnnual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain.
11. Lee, C. L., Cheng, C. F., Lee, C. J., Huang, H. W., Kuo, Y. H., & Lee, M. C. (2013, July).Caffeine and carbohydrate supplementation was unable to improve interval exercise performance and agility in athletes.Mini-oral session presented at 18thAnnual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain.
12. Cheng, C. F., Chen, P. H., Huang, H. W., Kuo, Y. C., Kuo, Y. H., Tong, T. K., & Lee, C. L. (2012, Nov.). Effects of inspiratory muscle warm-up on muscle oxygenation and performance during high-intensity intermittent cycling. Oralpresented at 11thAnnual Conference of the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitnessand 5thShanghai International Forum on Exercise and Health, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, China. (Outstanding Awards.).
13. Kuo, Y. H., Lee, S. Y., Wu, H. Yi., Wang, P. L., Chang, Y. L., Tsai, A., Chen, S. M. (2021). _Dynamic Warm-up with Vibration May not Improve Bat Speed
of Recreational Baseball Players in College._ 5th International Conference on Sport Sciences and Health (ICSSH), Indonesia.
1、教育部體育署—2018年運動科學研究及發展「Caffeine ingestion improves power output decrement during 3-min all-out exercise」—優等獎勵(共同作者)
2、教育部體育署—2015年運動科學研究及發展「Co-ingestion of caffeine and carbohydrate after meal does not improve performance at high-intensity intermittent sprints with short recovery times」—甲等獎勵(共同作者)